@import "../../../base/less/mixins"; .widget-function('import_google_font'); .sow-form-field { display: block; margin-bottom: 1em; .clearfix(); > label { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; @label_width: default; @label_align: default; width: @label_width; text-align: @label_align; strong { @label_font_family: default; @label_font_weight: default; .font(@label_font_family, @label_font_weight); @label_font_size: default; @label_font_color: default; font-size: @label_font_size; color: @label_font_color; } &.sow-form-field-label-left { float: left; margin-right: 10px; } &.sow-form-field-label-right { float: right; margin-left: 10px; } } .sow-field-container { overflow: hidden; display: block; textarea:focus, input:focus, > :focus { @outline_style: solid; @outline_color: default; @outline_width: 1px; // NB: Do not optimize this into a single line, otherwise the removal of 'default' values won't work. outline-style: @outline_style; outline-color: @outline_color; outline-width: @outline_width; } } @field_font_family: default; @field_font_weight: default; @field_font_size: default; @field_font_color: default; @field_background: default; @field_margin: default; @field_padding: default; @field_border_radius: default; @field_border_color: default; @field_border_width: default; @field_border_style: default; @field_height: default; @field_height_textarea: default; .sow-text-field { height: @field_height; } textarea { height: @field_height_textarea; } textarea, .sow-text-field { display: block; width: 100%; .box-sizing(border-box); border-radius: @field_border_radius; margin: @field_margin; border: @field_border_width @field_border_style @field_border_color; padding: @field_padding; background: @field_background; color: @field_font_color; font-size: @field_font_size; .font(@field_font_family, @field_font_weight); } &.sow-form-field-checkboxes, &.sow-form-field-radio { ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; li { margin: 0; } label { margin-bottom: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; } input { float: left; margin-right: 0.5em; height: auto; } } } @description_font_size: 0.9em; @description_font_color: #999999; @description_font_style: italic; .sow-form-field-description { font-size: @description_font_size; margin-top: 0.2em; margin-left: 0.2em; color: @description_font_color; font-style: @description_font_style; } } .sow-recaptcha { margin-bottom: 1em; } .sow-contact-form { // Container Background @container_background: default; @container_padding: 10px; // Container border @container_border_color: #c0c0c0; @container_border_width: 1px; @container_border_style: solid; padding: @container_padding; border: @container_border_color @container_border_style @container_border_width; background-color: @container_background; .sow-error { @error_background: #fce4e5; @error_border: #ec666a; @error_text: #ec666a; @error_padding: 5px; @error_margin: 10px; background: @error_background; border: 1px solid @error_border; color: @error_text; border-radius: 2px; padding: @error_padding; font-size: 0.8em; list-style: none; margin: 0 0 @error_margin 0; li { margin: 0; } } .sow-submit-wrapper { .sow-submit { } .sow-submit:disabled { } } .sow-submit-styled { @submit_background_color: #eeeeee; @submit_background_gradient: 10%; @submit_border_color: #989a9c; @submit_border_style: solid; @submit_border_width: 1px; @submit_border_radius: 3px; @submit_text_color: #5a5a5a; @submit_font_size: default; @submit_weight: 500; @submit_padding: 10px; @submit_width: default; @submit_align: left; @submit_inset_highlight: 50%; text-align: @submit_align; .sow-submit { color: @submit_text_color; & when( @submit_background_gradient > 0% ) { .gradient( lighten(@submit_background_color, @submit_background_gradient), darken(@submit_background_color, @submit_background_gradient), lighten(@submit_background_color, @submit_background_gradient) ); } & when( @submit_background_gradient = 0% ) { background: @submit_background_color; } border: @submit_border_width @submit_border_style @submit_border_color; border-radius: @submit_border_radius; font-weight: @submit_weight; font-size: @submit_font_size; padding: @submit_padding @submit_padding * 2; display: inline-block; width: @submit_width; .sow-submit-box-shadow ( @percent ) when ( @percent > 0% ) { box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 fade( #ffffff, @percent ); } .sow-submit-box-shadow( @submit_inset_highlight ); } .sow-submit:disabled { color: lighten(@submit_text_color, 20%); background: lighten(@submit_background_color, 20%); border: @submit_border_width @submit_border_style lighten(@submit_border_color, 20%); } } }